Who Is Ed Tepper?

Ed’s passion is to create photographic stories that impacts you, the viewer.  It may make you feel happy or sad. It may astonish you.  It may make you angry or at peace.  It may create conflict or harmony.  Different viewers will have different reactions to his photos and that’s ok.  His goal is that you will feel something.  

He learned about the art and craft of photography from on-line courses, books, seminars, videos, from a lot of experimentation, trial and error and using the latest technology available.  He expanded his learning to include how to do his own printing, matting and framing and very much enjoys controlling the entire artistic process.   

Now living in the Richmond, VA area, Ed is actively involved in the robust arts community there.  He is a juried member of ArtSpace Gallery and the Metropolitan Richmond Artists Association, and is Past- President of the Richmond Digital Photography Club. 

His photos have been published in The Street Photographer Notebook, Snapshot, Artstonish, and Close To Home Photography Salon magazines. His solo show, Humanisms was exhibited at Anne’s Visual Arts Studio Gallery (Richmond, VA) and Artspace Gallery (Richmond, VA) and will open in June 2023 at the Electric Co Art Gallery (Bedford, VA). Additionally, his photos have been exhibited at The Electric Co Art Gallery, The New York Center for Photographic Arts (New York City), Taubman Museum of Art (Roanoke, VA), Fusion Art (Palm Springs, CA), Perkinson Center for the Arts & Education (Chester, VA), the RAWLS Museum of Arts (Courtland, VA), Prairie Village (Kansas) Arts Council, Glave Kocen Gallery (Richmond, VA), Montpelier Center for Arts & Education (Richmond, VA), Columbus (GA) State University Rankin Arts Photography Center, 311 Gallery (Raleigh, NC), Lagrange Art Museum (Lagrange, GA), The Athenaeum Gallery (Alexandria, VA), ArtGallery118.com, LightSpaceTime.art, Flagler County (Florida) Art League, Richmond, VA Hilton VIP Room, Colors of Humanity Art Gallery (Everett, PA), ArtistSpaceGallery.com, and others. 

He shares his knowledge by teaching courses on photographic technique and how to use digital editing programs.  Most importantly to him is that he donates his photographic talents to the Richmond SPCA, the American Red Cross, Paws for Purple Hearts and The Appalachian Great White Pyrenees Rescue Center, helping those great organizations accomplish their missions.